Mechanical Engineering UMY Care about UKM

January 23, 2018, oleh: superadmin

The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still very little compared with developed countries. According to the Public Relations Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs that Indonesian entrepreneurs in 2017 amounted to 7.8 million people or 3.1% of the population. Unlike Singapore and Japan which has reached 7% and 11%. According to Novi Caroko, this is due to the low entrepreneurial spirit and lack of skills in business management, marketing strategy and product development so that the business does not grow and does not spawn the generation of entrepreneurs.
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as a higher education institution called to participate to encourage the development of entrepreneurs who are members of SMEs through the grant program IbM (Science and Technology for Society) funded by DRPM Directorate General of Strengthening Risbang, RISTEKDIKTI by offering solutions from some entrepreneur problems from SMEs Aluminum and SMEs Maju Mulyo Mulyo which is located in Kembang Kuning Village, Cepogo, Boyolali.
During this time, aluminum crafters Aluminum Angsa group only use traditional equipment to make frying pan and pan so that the production process takes a lot of time and energy. With a simple process then the results of pots and pans rough and products produced per day low. Aluminum craft produced by Aluminum Geese group then marketed by Maju Mulyo group with traditional system also, only offered in traditional market and individual. Consequently low production processes and marketing that do not evolve cycle the velocity of money is also low.

The solutions offered include; first, with entrepreneurship training programs and marketing strategies, online marketing training, and bookkeeping and profit-loss training. So with the training can increase entrepreneurial spirit, the development of scalable business and open a new marketing network globally. Second, with the procurement of auxiliary equipment, the computer along with internet network to build online marketing network and have an online store. Third, because the manufacturing process is still simple and manual which resulted in the product produced per day low, it will be granted roll spinning machine as a tool of wok and pan maker with moving roll process that can form pots and pans according to the following mold shape with the training of the tool usage. This activity is chaired by Novi Caroko, ST, M. Eng with members of Wahyudi, ST, MT and Thoharudin, ST, MT.